Researching and Planning a Gallery-Worthy Artwork
Nobody can really define what "gallery-worthy" art is. Personally, I think it just making art that is authentic, thoughtful, original and skillful. All four of those things are necessary parts of the equitation.
These lessons, plus practice, can help you become skillful with encaustic collage which is popular in many galleries. But you are the one who needs to supply the thought, originality, and authenticity.
That doesn't mean you have to re-invent the wheel every time you make art. It does mean, however, that you need to find a new message to share in your own voice.
To me, human faces have always been an amazing source of inspiration.
I love searching through photo-archives for pictures that capture a frozen moment of humanity. Sometimes it feels as if there is an immediate, eye-to-eye connection.
The idea of "Behind the Veil" started that way - I began veiling historic photos with translucent wax and enhancing the work with symbol and metaphor. I've shown my works in many galleries, and I am always grateful to the subjects whose faces and expressions compelled me to interpret their stories in my own work.
One of the best "archives" you can search through are your own family albums. Here is a collage I did of my own mother, frozen in a moment of whimsy and joy.
When you're ready to start, don't think about the "gallery" part - think about the "worthy" part. Put your brain and heart into the story and the rest will follow.